Contributions of the Magisterium of Pope Francis to the Ecumenical Hermeneutics of the Christian Faith
Approaches to Ecumenism in Latin America
Magisterium of Pope Francis, Ecumenical Hermeneutics, Latin America, Church, SocietyAbstract
The aim of this study is to verify how Pope Francis' magisterium contributes to an ecumenical hermeneutics of the Christian faith, establishing approximations between this magisterium and ecumenism in Latin America. Without disregarding the thematic specificities that make up the agenda of the dialogue between the churches, a redefinition of the term “ecumenism” is proposed, establishing interactions with sociocultural elements and the religious pluralism of our time. The research method is the qualitative reading of bibliographical and documentary texts that express the ecumenical teaching of Pope Francis, in the wake of the teaching of Vatican II. The conclusion is that, in addition to the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, other churches integrated in the ecumenical movement of the continent can welcome the ecumenical teaching of Pope Francis, taking steps towards a hermeneutic of his doctrines in an ecumenical perspective, thus strengthening the initiatives of dialogue in the region.