Fascism as a transcendental reduction of the human and its overcoming through love, in Michel Henry


  • Américo Pereira


Fascism, Love, Act, Individual


Starting from the definition of fascism, present in the work Du communisme au capitalisme. Théorie d'une catastrophe, by Michel Henry, as “relegation of the individual, in such a way that, not being anything or being something insignificant or bad, its suppression is henceforth manifested as legitimate”, we intend to show the onto-anthropological -transcendental dimension inherent in fascism, present in the denial of the only reality which is that of the human individual, in his own, in itself unique, reality, life, his life. At the same time, we want to show how life, the only true and real ontological dynamic, is present as the strongest reality in the act of love, the only one capable of overcoming the dynamics of death.



How to Cite

PEREIRA, A. Fascism as a transcendental reduction of the human and its overcoming through love, in Michel Henry. Estudos Teológicos, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 1, p. 52–62, 2023. Disponível em: https://revistas.est.edu.br/ET/article/view/2230. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Dossiê - Centenário Michel Henry