At the table with Luther

talking about worship and preaching


  • Éder Beling


Lutero, Homilética, Pregação, Prática, Tischreden


In this article, we focus especially the Reformation period, especially Luther’s recommendations about worship and the practice of preaching. Then, we discuss passages in which he offers examples and suggestions of how preaching should take place. Such examples are taken, for the most part, from his Table Talks (Tischreden). We want to analyze some points of Luther’s thought regarding the practical challenges he felt when he preached. Because the Bibleand the Word of God are central to Protestantism, it is pertinent to research the way how Luther approaches and understands preaching based on its practical context. In the Table Talks, he shows his joy, makes recommendations, feels sad and dialogs about Christian preaching, ranging from its content to the way it was performed. This is bibliographical research.



How to Cite

BELING, Éder. At the table with Luther: talking about worship and preaching. Estudos Teológicos, [S. l.], v. 61, n. 2, p. 468–486, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.