The Amazon’s Myth, Women’s Places and the United States

A Glimpse of the Classic Antiquity and the Construction of Wonder Woman by William Moulton Marston


  • Luca Lima Iacomini Universidade Federal do Paraná


Wonder Woman, reception studies, William Moulton Marstonx


In 1941, the character Wonder Woman was created by the American psychologist William Moulton Marston, who used elements of ancient Greek culture to elaborate his stories. The heroine is an Amazon from Paradise Island who goes to the United States to bring peace to the world and to emancipate the women of the country. The analysis proposed to this article will consist of understanding the receptions of the classics in contemporary times, the language elements of comics and the participation of women in society, culture and mythology of Ancient Greece, making counterpoints between classical studies and the representation of comics by Marston in its context. For this, the authors Michel Foucault, Mary Beard, Lorna Hardwick, Donna Haraway, Alberto Mario Banti, Victoria Sebben Rodrigues and Cristina Maria de Oliveira will be used.


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Wonder Woman n. 1. DC, 1941.



How to Cite

LIMA IACOMINI, L. The Amazon’s Myth, Women’s Places and the United States: A Glimpse of the Classic Antiquity and the Construction of Wonder Woman by William Moulton Marston. Cult de Cultura: Revista interdisciplinar sobre arte sequencial, mídias e cultura pop, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.