The Journal Estudos Teológicos understands that academic freedom and ample academic debate as well as ethical conduct in research, are fundamental principles to maintain the quality of the scientific publication. Thus, with the intent of avoiding bad academic conduct and valuing high ethical standards for the publication, the journal adopts the standards of the “Relatório da Comissão de Integridade de Pesquisa do CNPq” [Report of the Commission on Integrity in Research of the CNPq] and the “Padrões Internacionais Para Editores” [International Standards for Editors].

Since it considers the concern for bona fide and objective procedures of evaluation fundamental, the journal adopts the Double Blind Review, as can be read in the item “processo de avaliação pelos pares” [peer review process], and checks the originality and the unpublished status of the submitted texts, as well as works on the prevention of plagiarism and of self-plagiarism, through the use of specialized softwares.

The ethical principles of the Journal Estudos Teológicos permeate the whole editorial process and can be verified in the texts which guide the submission and evaluation of the articles as can be seen in the items below:

  • Guidelines for the authors
  • Conditions for submission, declaration of author’s rights
  • Privacy policy

When there occurs the identification of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification of results or any fraudulent information after the publication, the journal can withdraw the article from its registers or, in less serious cases which do not invalidate the scientific value of the work, can correct the article publishing an erratum. In this last case, the journal follows the instruction of SciELO about the publication of errata.