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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal accepts texts (articles and reviews) of national and international scope from doctors linked to nuclei and research groups of postgraduate programs in Theology or Sciences of Religion and related areas (within the scope of the area of human sciences and applied social sciences) as long as the subject of the text is linked to a theological or religious theme or concern.

The text files must be submitted exclusively through the online system (Open Journal System) on the journal's site, by registering and creating a login and a password, and preferably sent in DOC or DOCX extensions (Microsoft Word) or RTF (Rich Text Format). Other file formats (for example, PDF) will not be accepted.

Texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, German or English, and must be in a clear and fluent language and obey the current orthographic rules in the country of origin. Texts sent in other languages will be subject to specialized review, the expenses of which will be charged to the author of the text.

Articles should preferably have one author, allowing articles with up to three authors. If there is co-authorship, at least one author must correspond to the profile indicated above (hold a doctoral degree and be linked to a nuclei or research group in a postgraduate program). Reviews must mandatorily have only one author, in this case they may be PhD students.

Authors who send texts that use special characteristics (images, Greek, Hebrew fonts etc.) should write a note in “Comments to the Editor” in the submission system and send the sources (in TTF format) and images (in JPG, with a 300 dpi resolution) as supplementary documents.

Observation 1: The authors must be aware that the use of certain images may occasionally imply the search for a declaration or authorization to use them.

Observation 2: It is recommended, whenever possible, to use transliterations in the texts, leaving the use of special characters (Greek, Hebrew or other languages) only for exceptional cases in which there is a study of the original.

Texts should not exceed 42,000 characters (including spaces) for scientific articles and 8,000 characters (including spaces) for reviews. It is suggested to use the text editor's counting tool to ensure the number of characters. Exceptional cases, communicated through the form “Comments to the Editor”, at the time of submission, may be considered by the editor-in-chief of the journal. The texts must follow the following configuration specifications:

The page layout must be configured on A4 paper, with the upper and left margins defined at 3 cm and the lower and right margins at 2 cm.

The texts must use Times New Roman font in size 12 pt, with spacing between the lines of 1.5 and indentation of 1.5 cm of the first line of the paragraphs.

The content of the text should be divided into topics and, eventually, unnumbered subtopics, in bold, without first line indentation. The development topics are freely assigned by the author and must be preceded by the “introduction” and followed by “final considerations” and the list of “references”.

All indication of references used in the body of the text must come in a footnote in accordance with ABNT NBR 10.520. The first reference to a specific work must be complete and the following will use the model LAST NAME, YEAR, PAGE. Latin expressions, such as idem, ibidem, opus citatum, should not be used in case of repeated reference. Example:


1 ALVES, Rubem. Variações sobre a vida e a morte ou o feitiço erótico-herético da teologia. São Paulo: Loyola, 2005. p. 36.

2 ALVES, 2005, p. 37.

3 GIORDANO, Alessandra. Contar histórias: um recurso arteterapêutico de transformação e cura. São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2007. p. 73.

4 ALVES, 2005, p. 45.

5 GIORDANO, 2007, p. 12.

6 GIORDANO, 2007, p. 13ss.


Direct quotes: Direct quotes of up to 3 (three) lines must be in the body of the text in between quotation marks (“), following the configuration of the paragraphs. Direct citations with more than 3 (three) lines must be presented in special paragraphs: 4 cm left indentation, without first line indentation, in single spacing between lines, spacing between paragraphs in “automatic” mode, font Times New Roman, size 10 en, without using quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote.

The list of references, at the end of the text, should follow the following format: font Times New Roman, size 12pt, single spacing, left alignment, spacing between paragraphs in automatic mode. Only the references that were actually indicated in the body of the text should be listed.

Tables, graphs, charts and figures must follow the guidelines of ABNT NBR 6029. These elements must be inserted in the body of the text. Figures must also be sent separately by e-mail, as indicated above.

Other issues will follow the ABNT specifications.


The first page must contain the following items, in the respective order:

Title of the article in its original language, centralized, in capital letters, bold, with Times New Roman font size 14 pt.

Translation of the title of the article into English, centered, in capital letters, with Times New Roman font size 12 pt.

- Except in cases where the original language of the article is English.

Translation of the title of the article into Portuguese, centralized, in capital letters, with Times New Roman font size 12 pt.

- Except in cases where the original language of the article is Portuguese.

Name of the author (s) in the right corner, followed by a presentation note at the bottom of the asterisk (*). This presentation note should contain the following items: Title. Institutional linkage. City, state and country (if not Brazil). Contact email.

An abstract of 100 to 250 words, following the general rules of presentation set out in NBR 6028, from ABNT, accompanied by three to five keywords that represent the content of the text.

Translation of the abstract and keywords into English.

   - Except in cases where the original language of the article is English.

Translation of the abstract and keywords into Portuguese.

   - Except in cases where the original language of the article is Portuguese or Spanish.

The abstract and keywords (as well as their translations) must be separated by a single space for the indication of authorship and between them and must use simple space between the lines, without first line indentation and Times New Roman font size 10 pt.

Texts that do not comply with the submission rules will be archived and the author will be notified about the “archived submission”, and a new submission must be made. If there are doubts about the citation format, it is suggested to consult articles already published by the journal.


In order to guarantee blind peer review, it is essential that the author

  1. Keep their bio updated in their “user profile”, editable during the submission process.
  2. The submitted text must be without the name of the authors of the text, nor biographies in the footnotes. If there is a self-citation in the text, put only “author” in reference. We also call attention to the “properties” in Word, to remove any reference to authorship.
  3. The full text (with authorship, biographies and, if applicable, own references) must be submitted as a “supplementary document”. This document will not be visible to the person in the role of ad hoc consultant.

Texts with identification of authorship will be archived and the author will be notified about the “archived submission”, and a new submission must be made.


At the time of submission, authors should be attentive to

  1. a) Update the biography on the electronic form;
  2. b) Remember to insert, in the electronic form, the data of co-authors, if any;
  3. c) Carefully follow the publication rules;
  4. c) Submit the text in word format without any indication of authorship;
  5. d) As supplementary documents, load the text with all authorship data (complete, as it should be published) and, if applicable, load TTFs (True Type Fonts) or JPG images in high resolution into the system.



It publishes texts that contemplate the proposed theme by the Editorial Board for each edition. The themes and respective deadlines for submitting articles are previously announced on the journal’s news page.

Theology and Interdisciplinarity

It publishes articles with theological themes, eventually interfacing with other areas of knowledge in the humanities or applied social sciences.

Sciences of Religion and Interdisciplinarity

It publishes articles that focus on themes of the Sciences of Religion or themes that approach different readings of the religious phenomenon from the perspective of the human sciences or applied social sciences.


It publishes summaries and book reviews in the areas of Theology and Sciences of Religion or even that present themes akin to both areas of knowledge.

Reviews should have up to 8,000 characters with spaces within the general settings defined for articles (page layout and spacing). They do not require an abstract or keywords. Reviews must have their own title and, two lines below, the data of the reviewed reference:


 O pensamento de Rubem Alves acerca da Religião

Rubem Alves’ thought on Religion


 Review of: ALVES, Rubem. O Suspiro dos Oprimidos. 5. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003. 180p. 


[Cursive text, without division by topics]



Examples of indication of references:

Observation: Indications not exemplified here will follow the specifications proposed by NBR 6023.


MELLON, Nancy. A arte de contar histórias. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2006.

TILLICH, Paul. Teologia da Cultura. São Paulo: Fonte Editorial, 2010.

Journal Article:

ALCÂNTARA, Maria de Lourdes Beldi de. Cinema, Quantos Demônios!. Cultura Vozes, Petrópolis, ano 89, n.1, p. 23-31, 1995.

KLEIN, Remí. A criança e a narração. Protestantismo em Revista, São Leopoldo, v. 24, p. 42-61, jan./abr. 2011. p. 48. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 Out. 2011.

MATTOS, Paulo André Passos de. Entre a história, a vida e a ficção - artes do tempo. Educação & Realidade, Porto Alegre, v. 28, n. 2, p. 55-67, dez. 2003.

Book chapter:

ALVES, Rubem. Mares Pequenos - Mares Grandes (para começo de conversa). In: MORAIS, Regis de (Org.). As razões do mito. Campinas: Papirus, 1988. p. 13-21.

BARTHES, Roland. Introdução à análise estrutural da narrativa. In: BARTHES, Roland et al. Análise Estrutural da Narrativa. 5. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008. p. 19-62.

KUHN, Thomas. Introdução: um papel para a história. In:______. A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1975.

Paper presented in scientific events:

BRÍGIDO, Maria Aparecida da Silveira. Depressão e Alcoolismo Feminino. In: VII SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ACONSELHAMENTO E PSICOLOGIA PASTORAL, 7., 2011, São Leopoldo. Anais do VII Simpósio Internacional de Aconselhamento e Psicologia Pastoral. Organizado por Rafael Rodrigues, Joel Dumke e Karin H. K. Wondracek. São Leopoldo: EST, 2011. p.63-68.

PERFEITO, Alba Maria. Leitura e análise lingüística: Editoriais. In: CELLI - Colóquio de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários. 3, 2007, Maringá. Anais CELLI, Maringá, 2009. p. 1112-1124. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 set. 2011.

Non-exemplified references will follow the standards of NBR 6023, ABNT.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission’s compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply to the guidelines will be returned to the authors.

I confirm that the contribution is original and is unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, I will duly indicate it in "Comments to the Editor".

All files for submission are in .doc or .docx format (Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007/2010).

The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, in the section About the Journal.

I confirm that I have removed any indication of authorship in the text, namely, the indication of authorship, biographies and mention of self-citation, replacing the latter with “Author's Reference”, if applicable.

I confirm that I am submitting the full text (with authorship indications, as it should be quoted) as a “supplementary document”.

I confirm that, on the next page, I will pay attention to the “include author” button, if there are people co-authoring the text, duly filling out the electronic form, indicating the biography as it should be cited in the text, including title, institutional link and contact email.



Política padrão de seção


Política padrão de seção


Política padrão de seção

Dossiê "Ciências da Religião, Teologia e Educação à Distância"

A Educação à Distância está consolidada no Brasil. Trata-se de um importante meio de promoção e democratização do ensino. No contexto da Pandemia do COVID -19, diversas Instituições de Ensino precisaram se reinventar, a fim de que suas atividades educacionais não fossem interrompidas. Entre erros e acertos, passamos a utilizar ferramentas digitais que há algum tempo já estavam disponíveis, mas que não haviam recebido a devida atenção. Ainda nessa toada, o MEC regulamentou a oferta de pós- graduação stricto sensu a distância no país. Na certeza de que o cenário educacional pós pandemia não será mais o mesmo, a Educação à Distância constitui relevante desafio para teólogos e cientistas da religião. Nesse contexto, quais as metodologias adequadas? O dossiê objetiva reunir pesquisas que apontam desafios, possibilidades e principalmente, metodologias efetivas para a educação à distância, a fim de que ciências da religião e teologia continuem contribuindo para o debate plural e qualificado de ideias e, consequentemente, para o fortalecimento da democracia brasileira.

Dossiê "O Impacto do Apocalipse de João na história e na cultura"

No entanto, o Apocalipse de João não foi determinante apenas para a espiritualidade e para a arte. Os poderes políticos sempre se interessaram pela sua força mito-poética. Domesticar o Apocalipse é, de alguma forma, dominar a imaginação e os modelos de espiritualidade. No mundo contemporâneo o impacto do Apocalipse na sociedade também tem se dado da formação de discursos conservadores e fundamentalistas. Esses discursos têm dado suporte ideológico a projetos de poder ultraconservadores no mundo ocidental, inclusive na América Latina, com modelos de pensamento excludentes e dualistas. A pandemia do Covid-19 tem ajudado a reforçar um sentimento beligerante, de final dos tempos, de soluções radicais, excludentes. No entanto, também há leituras do Apocalipse que colocado esse poderoso e polissêmico texto em relação com novas perspectivas sobre o meio ambiente, com as exclusões e as violências de nosso mundo. O Apocalipse também tem sido recriado nas linguagens da arte e em novas espiritualidades. Ele é parte do processo acelerado de produção de imagens no ciberespaço.

Neste dossiê de Estudos Teológicos convidamos autores e autoras do Brasil e do exterior, de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, para refletir sobre os diferentes aspectos do impacto do último livro da Bíblia na história, nas culturas e nas sociedades contemporâneas, em toda a sua diversidade.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.