O salto

pop culture, precarious conditions, and lived religion


  • Carolina Bitencourt da Costa
  • Marcelo Ramos Saldanha Faculdades EST


Precarity, Pop culture, Lived religion, Liberation Theology, O Salto


This paper investigates the representation of precarity in Brazilian society through the song "O Salto" by the group O Rappa and its music video, analyzing how these cultural elements reflect and interpret the reality of precarious lives. The research employs the concept of "lived religion" by Júlio Adam and Ganzevoort, Judith Butler’s notions of precarity, framing, and recognition, and Gutiérrez’s perspective on poverty in Liberation Theology. The choice of the song and music video is motivated by their depiction of extreme vulnerability situations, such as urban violence, lack of housing, unemployment, hunger, and lack of perspective, which are common in the everyday lives of many Brazilians. These contexts also reveal widespread distrust in political institutions, feelings of abandonment, heightened inequality, and social invisibility. Religious expressions emerge in the narratives as an implicit response to suffering and hopelessness.

Author Biographies

Carolina Bitencourt da Costa

Bacharela em Ciências Sociais pela UFRGS, Mestre em Teologia pela Faculdades EST, pesquisadora pela ASPAS e pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Arte Sequencial, Mídias e Cultura Pop.

Marcelo Ramos Saldanha, Faculdades EST

Licenciado em Artes Visuais, Bacharel e Mestre em Teologia pela Faculdades EST. Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.


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How to Cite

DA COSTA, C. B. .; SALDANHA, M. R. O salto: pop culture, precarious conditions, and lived religion. Cult de Cultura: Revista interdisciplinar sobre arte sequencial, mídias e cultura pop, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: https://revistas.est.edu.br/periodicos_novo/index.php/cult/article/view/3359. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.