Theological thinking from an African-American and Caribbean perspective


  • Josuel dos Santos Boaventura


Afro-American theology, Racism, Liberation, God, Liberation theology


Theological reflection which is centered in the black people reality, it does part of the legitimate theological pluralism, that challenges to think faith experience in the proper context - sitz em leben. When these people came to Americas it happened in unfavorable conditions, but it did not prevent them recovering and redefining their rich faith experience. With Vatican II, the church, in our continent, it takes concretely the impoverished and marginalized case, recognizing in Puebla, the Christ's suffering face in the faces suffering of  Afro descendents and indigenous people. With Liberation Theology consolidation and the experience of Ecclesial base communities, African descendent could manifest with a reflection taking their concrete reality. Thus it develops Afro American Theology, in its factual dimension, it denounce prophetically the poverty reality in living black population majority, in the sin dimension points out several evils that African descendent are victims even today; and in the charisma dimension, it recovery the own characteristics of these people, expression of resistance in midst of so much suffering. It has contributed to deepening of liberating and savior God's image, who identifies with the oppressed and marginalized, He has assumed its fair struggle for dignity and equal opportunities.



How to Cite

Boaventura, J. dos S. (2022). Theological thinking from an African-American and Caribbean perspective. Identidade!, 17(1), 137–155. Retrieved from

