Ressignifying education in the context of the Quilombola communities


  • Paulo Sérgio da Silva


Remaining communities of quilombos, Quilombola education, Public sphere, Public policy, Racism


The article deals with education in the remaining communities of quilombos and their perspectives related to public policies and institutional disputes, Analyzes part of the socio-historical context and the struggles of social movements, highlighting the Black Brazilian Social Movement, for dignity and justice. It analyzes the spaces of action and political action of the social actors involved with the issue of quilombos, focuses on racism and its powerful performances, including institutional, racial segregation. It emphasizes the low insertion of the public educational management institutions in the activities of antiracist training and education in the quilombos and seeks to demonstrate the resistance of the black and quilombola population and their intentions to access the forms of literate knowledge as opposed to the excluding institutional structure. It also addresses the public sphere and the importance of inserting the remaining communities of quilombos in this area of disputes.

Author Biography

Paulo Sérgio da Silva

Doutor em Educação (FACED/UFRGS), integrante do Grupo de Pesquisas Identidade e do Instituto de Assessoria as Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos (IACOREQ). Professor de História da Rede Municipal de Porto Alegre.



How to Cite

Silva, P. S. da. (2022). Ressignifying education in the context of the Quilombola communities. Identidade!, 21(2), 155–170. Retrieved from

