Training in Health Care of the Black Population

an approach based on active methodology


  • Maria Juliana Moura Corrêa
  • Stênio Dias Pinto Rodrigues
  • Selenir C. Gonçalves Kronbauer


Health of the black population, Critical formation, Active methodology, Racial inequities in health care


Education in the area of health care has presented deep changes in order to accompany the contemporary demands and the foundations which guide the formation of the professional and the people in health care. The technological and pedagogical innovations point to the need for formation of professionals with the development of critical-reflective competencies who are can transform the social reality. This report of experiences has the goal of presenting the proposal of the program which gathered together formational and participative contents which were based on the production of knowledge of the sectorial public policy related with the theme Health of the Black Population, through integrating theory and practice. For this we opted for the approach of active methodology, for which was used the outline of the Arch of Charles Maguerez, following the stages: observation of the reality, key points, theorization, hypothesis of solution and application in the reality. This experience of critical formation, based on the pedagogical proposal, was successful in that it propitiated the valorization of the professional’s and the people’s knowledge through the sharing and resignification of health care practices.

Author Biographies

Maria Juliana Moura Corrêa

Doutora em Saúde Coletiva. Área: concentração em epidemiologia pelo Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da UFBA. Mestre em Serviço Social pela PUCRS. Especialista em Epidemiologia pela UFPEL. Contato:

Stênio Dias Pinto Rodrigues

Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais em Gestão Pública. Exerceu a Chefia do Serviço de Auditoria do Sistema Único de Saúde no Rio Grande do Sul/Denasus-SEAUD - Ministério da Saúde. Contato:

Selenir C. Gonçalves Kronbauer

Mestrado em Teologia pela Faculdades EST. Área: Religião e Educação. Especialista em Gestão Educacional pela FACOS. Especialista em Supervisão Escolar pela UFRJ. Professora e Coordenadora do Grupo Identidade da Faculdades EST. Contato:



How to Cite

Corrêa, M. J. M., Rodrigues, S. D. P. ., & Kronbauer, S. C. G. (2022). Training in Health Care of the Black Population: an approach based on active methodology. Identidade!, 22(1), 16–26. Retrieved from

