Relation between cultural capital and racial consciousness of black teachers


  • Maria Rita Py Dutra


Black teachers, Cultural capital, Racial consciousness


This article refers to the author's master's research, entitled Breaking Barriers: the relation between cultural capital and racial consciousness of black teachers. The overall objective was to identify factors in the relation between cultural capital and racial consciousness in choosing the profession of teacher and tried to understand their ongoing evidence of racial consciousness in the teaching practice of informers, seeking to know the work methodology adopted with respect to the ethnic-racial issue, considering we near the celebration of ten years of approval of the law 10.639/03. The study consists of an ethnographic study in which was recorded the life histories of the teachers, their memories, school life and professional life, the motivations that led them to choose the profession and the events that marked their training and teaching practice and commitment in the same reverse racist situations. The research took place in Santa Maria / RS, starting in December 2010, extending throughout the year of 2011.

Author Biography

Maria Rita Py Dutra

Pedagoga, Especialista em Supervisão Escolar e mestra em Antropologia, Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Estudos Contemporâneos do Curso de Ciências Sociais/UFSM.



How to Cite

Dutra, M. R. P. (2022). Relation between cultural capital and racial consciousness of black teachers. Identidade!, 18(3), 441–455. Retrieved from