The Law n° 10.639/2003 in the school context

progress and effect of the State Center for Racial Ethnic Education in Amapá


  • Célia Souza da Costa
  • Elivaldo Serrão Custódio


Law n° 10.639/2003, Anti-Racist struggle, State Center for Racial Ethnic Education, Public Education, Amapá


This article aims to discuss the Law No. 10.639 / 2003 within the school context: the progress and obstacles of the State Center for Racial Ethnic Education in Amapá (NEER). This is the result of an exploratory qualitative study which adopted the literature review, document analysis and interviews as the means of investigation. As a result of this research, we found that in Amapá, the NEER operates conducting lectures, workshops, seminars and visits to some schools in the capital and in the state, providing advice to teachers of state schools. We believe that the Federal Law No. 10.639 / 2003 and the State Law No. 1,196 / 2008 is a reality in Amapá schools is necessary that the federal and state governments make available training courses and / or continuing education in the field of African History and Afro-Brazilian culture so that / the educators / to be prepared for the arduous task of educating and difficult duty to build and deconstruct social paradigms. In addition to training and / or continuing education, the Secretary of State of Amapa Education (SEED) should also provide teaching and learning materials, as / the teacher / the Amapá need to be encouraged, committed, and above all, stripped of discrimination and prejudices to face the challenge of educating the / a student / a for a more fraternal social life.

Author Biographies

Célia Souza da Costa

Mestre em Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP). Graduada em Jornalismo, Direito e Filosofia. Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior. Docente da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Amapá (SEED). Membro do Grupo Estudo, Pesquisa e Preservação da Cultura Material do Amapá (UNIFAP/CNPq).

Elivaldo Serrão Custódio

Doutorando em Teologia pela Escola Superior de Teologia (Faculdades EST) em São Leopoldo/RS (Bolsista da CAPES). Mestre em Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP), Docente da Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humanas (FATECH/AP) e da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Amapá (SEED). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Currículo, Identidade Religiosa e Práxis Educativa (Faculdades EST), do Grupo de Pesquisa Identidade (Faculdades EST), do Grupo de Pesquisa Centro de Estudos Políticos, Religião e Sociedade (CEPRES-UNIFAP/CNPq) e do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Relações Étnico-raciais e Interculturais (UNIFAP/CNPq). 



How to Cite

Costa, C. S. da, & Custódio, E. S. (2022). The Law n° 10.639/2003 in the school context: progress and effect of the State Center for Racial Ethnic Education in Amapá. Identidade!, 20(1), 64–77. Retrieved from




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