The man white-black culture in the story of Cuti


  • Edna Caroline Alexandria da Cunha Oliveira


Identity, Race, Analysis of discurso, Brazilian Literature


The abolition of slavery in the Brazil was not adequate to change the thinking in the society. The race ideology and prejudice comportament to pain throughout century twenty up to century twenty one, in the speeches. Opposed, always be inferior to position, in the servant, indolence, outsmart, malicious, sensual, shirker, marginal, suburban, always in the context servant. Change paradigma race are understand in the society, with reflex in the literature, in the second-half of century twenty, between decade of 1950 and 1960, against discrimination race and lively culture black. Wtih advanced to combat racial, in the ultime decade the century twenty, the blacks to set about to be protagonista ourselves history. The work is arm opposition the resistente. The literature of Cuti report the racismo covered in the society brazilian. This article aggregate consideration about the manners for blacks insert actually in the world man white, face histories whose meaning reveal a racismo occult. Express the contexto of slavery in the Brazil and notion unity nacional built since political hegemony white-culture. The substancial are formal in the Cuti’s history whose meaning report the burn out of ideology black, the marginalization, voice history not brigh. So, understand the racism from setting politics and social.

Author Biography

Edna Caroline Alexandria da Cunha Oliveira

Mestranda em Letras Estudos Literários. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus São Cristóvão, SE, Brasil. E-mail:



How to Cite

Oliveira, E. C. A. da C. (2022). The man white-black culture in the story of Cuti. Identidade!, 21(1), 43–52. Retrieved from