On Lutheran statements in response to the racist Unite the Right rally (Charlottesville, August 12, 2017)


  • Cesar Motta Rios


Racism, ELCA, LC-MS, Charlottesville, Unite the Right


In this article, I introduce and discuss the statements published by ELCA and LC-MS - two important Lutheran denominations in the USA - on their respective websites in reaction to the neo-Nazi protest termed “Unite the right”, which took place at Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. Next, I offer a short exposition on racism to explain the necessity of Christian reactions against it. I expose racism as something not natural, but rather constructed to foment and maintain established privileges and inequalities. Finally, I reflect, in dialogue with Lutheran theologians, especially Dietrich Bonhoeffer, about what should be the expected and pertinent reaction of a Christian community in the Lutheran tradition to the event witnessed in Charlottesville.

Author Biography

Cesar Motta Rios

Doutor em Literaturas Clássicas e Medievais (UFMG), com pós-doutorado na área da Filosofia Antiga (UFMG). Pesquisador independente, integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Bíblia, Arqueologia e Religião (EST). São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil. cesarmottarios@gmail.com



How to Cite

Rios, C. M. (2022). On Lutheran statements in response to the racist Unite the Right rally (Charlottesville, August 12, 2017). Identidade!, 22(2), 252–264. Retrieved from https://revistas.est.edu.br/Identidade/article/view/1243