The media as a factor for the resignation of indigenous identity and the construction of the memory of culture Mbyá-Guarani


  • Roberta Herter da Silva
  • Norberto Kuhn


Mbyá-Guarani identity, Media, Re-signification


This paper aims to analyze the expansion of interactive contexts and their effect on the reorganization of the social interaction patterns of an indigenous Mbyá-Guarani ethnic group from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This article is the result of research on the way in which representatives of an indigenous culture coexist with the maintenance of their "nhadereko" and at the same time, with constant access to the media. The research is a result of ethnographic, traditional and virtual experience (netnography), which consisted of immersion in the field, journal writing, participant observation and non-directive interviews. In this sense, from this experience, it is possible to conclude that the media, such as facebook and whatsapp, accessed in this village through smartphones, fulfill a historical function, not only to safeguard, but especially to build the memory of the Mbyá culture -Guarani, re-signifying their cultural difference and their forms of social interaction. They can be considered indispensable instruments for the achievement of better living conditions for these indigenous people, as a tool for the construction of Mbyá-Guarani citizenship.

Author Biographies

Roberta Herter da Silva

Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social da Universidade Feeval. Mestra em Direitos Humanos pela UNIJUÍ. Advogada. Contato:

Norberto Kuhn

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2008). Docente da Universidade Feevale. Contato:



How to Cite

Silva, R. H. da, & Kuhn Júnior, N. (2022). The media as a factor for the resignation of indigenous identity and the construction of the memory of culture Mbyá-Guarani. Identidade!, 22(2), 226–241. Retrieved from