
  • Wanda Araújo
  • Flávia Berton


Crossroads, Pedagogy of Terreiros, Women of Axé


This text is a reflection provoked by the speech of Yalorixá Wanda Araújo given during the Mulheres de Axé e Universidade (Women of Axé and University) Meeting at Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, in 2020, to discuss religiosity and politics. It proposed the "pedagogy of terreiros" as spaces that provide meetings and intersections of ways of knowing and doing, both promoted by crossroads. The proposal is to make the speech act as a bridge between the terreiro's community and the academy, providing a "terreiro conversation" between philosophers, economists, sociologists, and anthropologists who deal with the subject today and a Yalorixá, with the perspective of the intersection of ancestral and contemporary knowledge, policies, and epistemologies constitutive of the Brazilian diaspora.

Author Biographies

Wanda Araújo

Yalorixá do Ylê Asè Egi Omim, terreiro de candomblé estabelecido no Rio de Janeiro, é jornalista, educadora, produtora cultural e coordenadora do Centro Cultural de tradições com o mesmo nome. Contato: araujobz0@gmail.com

Flávia Berton

Equede de Omolu do Ylê Asè Egi Omim, produtora cultural e doutoranda do PPGAC/UFRJ.    Contato: flaberton@gmail.com



How to Cite

Araújo, W. ., & Berton, F. . (2021). TERREIRO CONVERSATION . Identidade!, 26(1 e 2), 50–61. Retrieved from https://revistas.est.edu.br/Identidade/article/view/1191