From the social practices of childhood of the "Corridor" to reflections on the school

knowledge and actions in question


  • Georgina Helena Nunes


Childhood, Ethnicity / Race, Social practices, Education, Work


This text was the result of a doctoral research that aims to reflect about black children working and living in a rural community in the city of Pelotas (RS), called Cologne Corrientes, and living in a restricted space, called "Corridor "access road to the colony. Through priority categories of analysis childhood, work and ethnicity / race was sought to seize, through ethnographic research, practices recognized collectively as social practices, which involve elements, often paradoxical, that allowed this first generation of school children build strategies that guarantee overcome economic barriers to their families while everyday workers are subject, as well as living with a series of social distinctions in the form of racism and prejudice within a community, mostly of German origin and, consequently, also within the school. It is pointed out that such natural childhoods that are to educate, many of them are still submerged in succession and deprivation of social rights failures, build within the Corridor, an incisive attitude towards adversity, driven by the way the women whose condition black, poor, householders and non-proprietary, does not prevent them from establishing counterpoints between the regimes of domination and emancipation. Contacted up gaps in a school whose curriculum formats, if not already dialogued with a universal rural context also ignored the diversity and potential of childhoods present inside, especially the Corridor.

Author Biography

Georgina Helena Nunes

Professora Assistente do Departamento de Ensino da Faculdade de Ensino da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Trabalha com movimentos sociais com enfoque na questão étnico-racial, de gênero e ações afirmativas. Contato:



How to Cite

Nunes, G. H. (2021). From the social practices of childhood of the "Corridor" to reflections on the school: knowledge and actions in question. Identidade!, 23(1), 134–160. Retrieved from