Some considerations concerning the insertion of African-Brazilian history and culture in the municipality of Rio Grande


  • Carmem G. Burgert Schiavon


History, Afro-Brazilian culture, Education, Rio Grande


This proposal aims to present some of the discussions in Rio Grande about the institutionalization of the Law 10639/2003 concerning the implementation of the Extension Project "Mapping, analysis and universalization of affirmative policies aimed at the inclusion of Afro-Brazilian history and culture in the curriculum in Rio Grande", funded by the University Extension Program (ProExt) of the Ministry of Education, which began in May 2013. The realization of this project has its roots in a demand established by the teachers themselves in Rio Grande, at the completion of the PIBID workshops in Municipal Schools in the region; at these moments, the concern of the teachers with the incipient preparation for work with Afro-Brazilian history and culture, in a curricular mode, proved to be a constant. Based on these considerations, we seek to diagnose and evaluate the development of Afro-Brazilian history and culture in the city of Rio Grande and, from this reality, make the proposition of affirmative action related to the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Ethnical-Racial Relations Education.

Author Biography

Carmem G. Burgert Schiavon

Doutora em História. Professora do Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação (ICHI-FURG).



How to Cite

Schiavon, C. G. B. (2022). Some considerations concerning the insertion of African-Brazilian history and culture in the municipality of Rio Grande. Identidade!, 19(1), 5–11. Retrieved from




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