Guarani Club and Miss Mulata

space and valuation of blackness (Arroio Grande, RS)


  • Beatriz Floôr Quadrado


Club Guarani, Miss Mulata, Stereotypes, Prejudice


The study examines the history of the Club Guarani of Arroyo Grande (RS), black club founded in 1920 due to strong racial prejudice in the county. In which blacks were forbidden to attend social clubs and CTG. But the association is closed by court order in 2006 by an initiative signed low population, even residents of the building away from the club. The research also analyzes the contest "Miss Race", not only for the purpose of beauty contest, but as recovery of customs and behaviors, a deconstruction of negative stereotypes associated with black women. The work addresses issues of prejudice in the beginning of the Brazilian republic and identity construction in the country, for it was used the methodology of oral history research in journals and collections, as well as specific readings related to the topics discussed.

Author Biography

Beatriz Floôr Quadrado

Licenciada em História (UFPel). Estudante da especialização em Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (Unipampa- Jaguarão). Arroio Grande, RS, Brasil.



How to Cite

Quadrado, B. F. . (2022). Guarani Club and Miss Mulata: space and valuation of blackness (Arroio Grande, RS). Identidade!, 18(3), 303–311. Retrieved from