African imaginary in the archaeological study of the quilombos


  • Cláudio Baptista Carle


Archaeology, Quilombos, Imaginary


The imaginary understood as an atmosphere surrounded by symbolic systems that are images of described thoughts. I study the imaginary field of Gilbert Durand and investigate the atmosphere of the production of Brazilian historical and archaeological research, conducted in Rio Grande do Sul, in recent years, on the formation of the Quilombos. I notice that, from the imaginary of researchers based on their publications, the Eurocentric and model form and I present an alternative by searching of the imaginary protagonists, enabling a renewal in the ideas that gestate archaeological research on the topic. This possibility happens through a shared archeology.

Author Biography

Cláudio Baptista Carle

Doutor, Professor do Bacharelado em Antropologia, membro LAMINA (Laboratório multidisciplinar de investigações arqueológicas), do PPGA (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia) do Instituto de Ciências Humanas da UFPel e do GEPIEM (Grupo de estudos e pesquisas em imaginário educação e memória) da Faculdade de Educação UFPEL.



How to Cite

Carle, C. B. (2022). African imaginary in the archaeological study of the quilombos. Identidade!, 18(2), 160–178. Retrieved from