Black protagonism extended toward education in the perspective of Law 10,639/03


  • Bianca Lopes Brites
  • Gilvan Moraes


Treze de Maio Museum, Law 10.639 / 03, Ethnic and racial discrimination


This paper aims to investigate the actions of May Thirteen Club, later transformed into Community Museum - Museum Thirteen May - the city of Santa Maria - Rio Grande do Sul, as a cultural and social space of black empowerment. So it was addressed strategies to expand its actions in the education sector from the perspective of Law 10.639 / 03 mandating the teaching of Brazilian history and african culture. Faced with the reality of Santa Maria cultural and social spaces were created to host the black. It was necessary that role that focuses on their inclusion front of a segregated society, at the post-abolition period. The Thirteen May Club was created in the early twentieth century (1903-1914) maintaining its operation until 1980, being an example of important organization for the insertion of black as a subject in santamariense society. From activity logs carried out in partnership with schools by MTM (formerly Club Thirteen May) joined his former club, which was previously an area of struggle for social insertion of black to the extension of this into the schools. So how early research results we obtained a real practical implementation of Law 10.639 / 03 carried out by the Community Museum staff Thirteen May in Santa Maria-RS.

Author Biographies

Bianca Lopes Brites

Graduanda do Curso de História UFSM – Bolsista PIBID/CAPES. Santa Maria – Rio Grande do Sul / Brasil.

Gilvan Moraes

Mestrando do PPGH/UFSM – Bolsista CAPES/DS. Cruz Alta – Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil.



How to Cite

Brites, B. L., & Moraes, G. (2022). Black protagonism extended toward education in the perspective of Law 10,639/03. Identidade!, 20(2), 62–72. Retrieved from