Fight the descendants of the last generation of slaves to preserve the land in the Southern Bahia Lowlands (1950-1985)


  • Enio José da Costa Brito


Black Peasantry, Agrarian Conflict, Post-abolition, Land-Law, Oral History


The land problem has been a constant issue throughout Brazilian's history. However, it is a problem that never comes alone and it is part of a trilogy: land, labour and housing. Brazil has refused to face those fundamental issues of human rights. That systematic refusal has led to the deposition of President Jango Goulart, extending millions of Brazilians misfortune. This article comments on the thesis of Egnaldo Rocha da Silva, that analyzes the land disputes in the Southern Lowlands of Bahia, between 1950 and 1985.

Author Biography

Enio José da Costa Brito

Professor Titular do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciência da Religião da PUC-SP, Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa “Imaginário Religioso Brasileiro (Veredas)” e Vice Coordenador do Centro de Estudos Culturais Africanos e da Diáspora (CECAFRO-PUC). Editor da Revista Último Andar. Contato:



How to Cite

Brito, E. J. da C. (2021). Fight the descendants of the last generation of slaves to preserve the land in the Southern Bahia Lowlands (1950-1985). Identidade!, 23(1), 85–90. Retrieved from